Further adventures of the ‘mossy studies’


The mossy adventures definitely lends itself beautifully to the requirements of this exercise. It offers the subtleties of the texture and offers scope for capturing these in stitch application of different threads,fabrics and beads.

I do not think I made it clear in the previous blogs regarding this exercise that we were asked to think of words to describe the items that distinguished their textural qualities. I am able to put these on my cotton pages by ‘Bonaweb’ a wonderful, albeit man made invention to iron on and glue different mediums to fabric. Some of the words I choose for the mossy studies were billowy, feathery, soft, greens, yellows and golds.

I selected various fabrics for their colours or textural applications. Some were eco dyed, a method where plant material is used in such a way that a chemical reaction takes place with natural dyes and the plant material and leaves an imprint. One very good subject for this method is rose leaves.

This was a very tonal inspired piece. Working spontaneously with the machine to attach pieces of different fabrics using a zigzag stitch. I then slowed the pace down using herringbone, random running and satin stitch to build up a textured effect using soft colours of greens, yellows and browns. For the soft billowy feel I added french knots and beads. An addition of some hand spun slubbed wool in green and yellow helped too. With the french knots I made some tight and some much looser. I was overall pleased that I achieved the desired effect in a spontaneous way


finished 'board'
finished ‘board’

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